
Book Challenge – One Word Title

I love books! They have been a central part of life from the time I was tiny. I don’t ever remember a time that I didn’t love books. Since I was old enough to read on my own I have always had a book I was reading. The downfall to my love of books is an uncontrollable need to talk about books to anyone and everyone who appears to care even a little bit about books. I also start recommending books and I cannot stop! It’s a real problem in social settings!

My cousin, about a year ago, organized a family book group. We only meet once a quarter but it’s my big night out (without leaving the house!). I love logging onto zoom and visiting with aunts and cousins for a couple of hours. The only thing that would make it better is if we weren’t so far apart and we were able to meet in person. But instead of wishing for what isn’t going to happen I count my blessings, starting with the internet and the creator of zoom!

This year we are doing things a little bit different and instead of all trying to read the same book each quarter we are doing a book challenge for each month of the year. This gives everyone the chance to read what they would like and instead of discussing a particular book we can swap book titles. The real challenge for me will be controlling myself and not dominating the book recommendations.

For January the challenge is to read a book with a one-word title. Here are my top recommendations for January.

Beauty by Robin McKinley – I just finished this book and I had forgotten how much I loved this book. I read it years ago when I was in high school. I remember loving it then but it was even better than I had remembered.

Glitch by Laura Martin – We love Laura Martin at our house. My kids really wanted me to read this book after a couple of them had read it. I’m not sure I would have chosen it on my own but I was so glad they pushed me to read it. I was immediately hooked and loved the book. Quickly made my all-time favorite book list.

Mindset by Carol Dweck – This book really made me stop and think. Too often we are the biggest obstacle to our own success! Failures are not the end. They are a chance to learn and try again. It’s been a couple of years since I read this book and I think it’s time for a reread.

Emma by Jane Austen – Emma is hands down my favorite Jane Austen. Emma makes me laugh and I find her mistakes endearing. So often we have the best intentions but our own insecurities get in the way and we have a way of making a real mess of things!

Matched by Ally Condie – This is a dystopian series that I personally liked better than Hunger Games. It is not as action packed as Hunger Games but I loved the overall story better. All three in the series have one word titles – Matched, Crossed and Reached (just in case you’re an overachiever).

Bob by Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead – This is the sweetest book! You will be completely caught off guard that you can fall so helplessly in love with such a strange little creature that lives in the closet. But he will melt your heart and you will want your own little Bob to love.

Sweep by Jonathan Auxier – I was going to recommend four one-word titles but I can’t stop. I think I might need counseling! Sweep is similiar to Bob because you unexpectedly fall in love with a strange creature. This time it’s a monster. But you will find yourself wanting your own monster to watch out for you. Now I’m questioning rules of this challenge. If the book has a subtitle does the subtitle count in the one-word word count? Because technically the book is titled Sweep: The Story of a Girl and Her Monster. I’m just gonna stick with Sweep and count it.

I could keep going and going and going but I will demonstrate my unbelievable self-control and stop. Happy reading!!!

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